About Us

The Healthy Color (THc) provides its partner salons with the highest quality hair color. THc is the superior hair color line that delivers exceptional results. THc has its Hair Care Product line, we created it to help people keep the professional salon look between appointments.

THc is a B2B wholesaler of professional “THc CBD Infused Permanent Hair Colors & CBD Infused Hair Care Products” supplying exclusively to THc Partner Hair Salons.

Our mission is to provide THc Partner Salons with the highest quality hair color so we created THc Permanent Color to be a superior hair color line that delivers exceptional results. THc Hair Care Product Line helps people keep their professional salon color look between appointments.

We believe great color is nothing unless serviced by a color-certified professional behind the chair that’s why all THc’s Partner Salons and colorists are highly trained, accredited, and certified with THc’s formulation unique to each customer.

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